Support HAVA

Believe in the mission of HAVA? You can have an impact by making a one-time, tax deductible donation.

Donate by Mail

Please send your donation to:
P.O. Box #60727
Longmeadow, MA 01116

Donate Online

Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate Sponsors are the life-blood of HAVA and allow us to fulfill our mission of Veteran Service.

HAVA accepts contributions at the following annual levels:

HAVA contributions are usually tax deductible and qualify the member company to sponsor events, participate in one, request a HAVA representative appearance or other activity.

To become a corporate sponsor, please contact HAVA via e-mail  OR send a contribution directly to:

P.O. Box #60727
Longmeadow, MA 01116

Each contributing company receives an appropriate recognition trophy for their lobby, a listing on the HAVA web site Corporate Sponsor page, a link to the sponsor company web site – and the heart-felt thanks of America’s disabled veterans whose passion for outdoor sports makes HAVA’s mission so compelling.

Smith & Wesson

National Shooting Sports Foundation

Sig Sauer

Crimson Trace

Glock Perfection






XS Sights

Federal Premium