In The News

SIG SAUER Announces Partnership with Veterans’ Organization
Jan 14, 2014
SIG SAUER is committing a portion of sales from the company’s new SB15 Pistol Stabilizing Brace to HAVA. Designed by a veteran for a

The “Honored American Veterans Afield” Program
Dec 1, 2013
Created by a committee of shooting sports executives, HAVA seeks to help disabled soldiers and their families as they transition back to their civilian lives.
Discussion with Governor Perry
Nov 13, 2013
HAVA-participants-Ryan-and-Chany-Lentz-speak-with-Governor-Perry. Posted on November 14, 2013 by Ammoland.

Millisecond Molly: HAVA nice day!
Sep 18, 2013
At the Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) Family Day just outside Nashville, on Sat., Sept. 18, in Clarksville, Tenn, surrounded by an enormity of such outstanding people, I definitely felt small… but wonderful.

Honored American Veterans Afield – YouTube
Nov 28, 2012
In this clip from Americana Outdoors we head to Rock Canyon Ranch in west Texas where we joing up with

HAVA Hosts Hunt for Disabled Women Vets
Jul 1, 2012
Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) in cooperation with Paralyzed Veterans for America (PVA) hosted a Central Texas wild hog hunt for disabled women veterans.
GLOCK to Sponsor Honored American Veterans Afield
May 13, 2012
Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) announces the addition of GLOCK, inc. to its growing list of shooting sports industry sponsors….